Master Thesis – Emerging and Selected Topics in Power Electronics (all genders)

Temporary, Full-time · VILLACH

Your future responsibilities
Following research topics are at this moment open and subject to be incorporated into several master thesis. A master thesis may incorporate more than one listed topics to a full thesis. For your application please refer to the code referenced with the set of topics.

Explore the field of WBG devices and dig into device characterization, modelling and simulation for power electronic devices and systems. 
  • Calorimetric setups for loss estimations in power converters especially in the context of switching losses (soft/hard switching characterization).
  • Application of machine learning techniques for predicting losses in power converters based on calorimetric data.
  • Novel methods to decouple losses of the power converter and on-state voltage measurements in the context of wide-band gap devices
  • Temperature calibrated power semiconductor simulation models and model validation.
  • Accurate characterization and influence of ‘asymmetry’ on the losses of paralleled switching devices.
  • Improve power electronic cooling by investigating new materials and methods and evaluate in the lab. 
  • Tackle the challenges around gate driver requirements for wide-band gap devices. Integration with the gate driver boards with test boards.
  • Implement sensors and feedback mechanisms in gate drivers, and design algorithms for real-time monitoring and adaptive control based on the operating conditions.
Your profile
You want to do research with the possibility of publishing a paper in the end of your thesis?
 You love to explore new fields centered around power electronics applications?
 You are highly motivated to join a young and dynamic team of scientists and research engineers?
 You are eager to learn new things and don’t fear diving deep into research papers?

If the answer to these questions is YES – we are waiting for YOUR application!

As the perfect candidate for a master thesis within our group in the research field of power electronics you have enhanced capabilities beyond basic knowledge in multiple of the following fields:

  • Enrolled student on an university within the EU.
  • PCB design for electronic circuits.
  • Simulations for active power devices and\or passive components.
  • Power semiconductor device characterization and\or modelling.
  • Passive components characterization.
  • Power semiconductor device level packaging.
  • Power electronics system integration and high density packaging.
  • MCU programming and real-time MCU applications.
  • Advanced mechanical design & simulation
  • FEM or CFD simulation of complex geometries or power electronic devices or systems.
Important Facts about SAL
  • Duration 6 - 9 months.
  • Diversified research activities with plenty of technical challenges.
  • State-of-the-art lab facilities and instruments.
  • Internal and external training opportunities for further development.
  • Home Office possible.
  • € 4 per day food allowance in restaurants or € 2 per day in supermarkets.
  • Family & kids friendly.
  • Free coffee/milk/tea & fresh fruits.
This position is subject to the Collective Agreement for employees in non-university research (Research CA). We offer competitive salaries and additional benefits. For this position, we offer a monthly gross salary of EUR 1.929, paid 14 times a year.
About us

Silicon Austria Labs (SAL) is a top research center for Electronics and Software Based Systems (ESBS). At three locations (Graz, Villach, Linz), SAL is conducting research along the entire ESBS value chain in the areas of sensor systems, power electronics, intelligent wireless systems, microsystems and embedded systems to develop future-oriented solutions for industrial production, health, energy, mobility, safety and more. SAL brings together key players from industry, science and research and thus valuable expertise and know-how and conducts cooperative, application-oriented research along the value chain. Cooperative projects are co-financed by SAL and enable a fast and unbureaucratic project start. SAL is thus shaping the high-tech location Austria and Europe and developing the future 
Innovation is our top priority and so are our employees. We are a family-friendly company and support the compatibility of work and family as much as possible. That is why we have been awarded the Work and Family Certificate until 2026. But we are constantly working on new measures to offer our employees an environment where they feel good, healthy and motivated.

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